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Celebrating FLAVORx Women in Pharmacy

Posted by Caitlin Taylor

Mar 8, 2023 9:40:58 AM

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In honor of Women's History Month, FLAVORx is celebrating women who make a difference for their patients each day in their local pharmacies. Our pharmacy customers nominated women in pharmacy who they believe deserve to be celebrated, and we are so pleased to have the chance to share their stories. From pharmacists who jump in to help their pharmacy teams work more efficiently, to techs who go the extra mile to help their pediatric patients, each of these women has a huge impact on their patients and coworkers. 

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Topics: Pharmacy Leaders


Customized Care at Sweetgrass Pharmacy

Posted by Caitlin Taylor

Feb 2, 2023 10:12:04 AM

Mount Pleasant, a bustling town nestled in the midst of South Carolina's Low Country, is home to beautiful coastal views and centuries of rich history. It's a great place to visit and even better place to live. While the town has much to offer its residents, Mount Pleasant resident Dr. Cynthia Feldman noticed that there were healthcare needs not being met by the area's existing pharmacies. Seven years ago, she decided to open Sweetgrass Pharmacy with the goal of providing specialized patient care without sacrificing traditional apothecary values. In the years they've been open, Sweetgrass Pharmacy continues to grow, change, and offer patients the absolute best in personalized care.


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Topics: Pharmacy Leaders


Why Flavor Amoxicillin?

Posted by Caitlin Taylor

Jan 25, 2023 10:21:19 AM

Did you know amoxicillin is the #1 most flavored medicine with FLAVORx? Last year, pharmacies used the Recipe Generator and their Auto, Pro, and Plus dispensers to flavor amoxicillin over half a million times! 🤯

But why flavor amoxicillin? Doesn't it already come flavored? Surely a gross medicine like clindamycin would be flavored more often, right? Read on to find out why amoxicillin has become such a popular candidate for flavoring.


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Topics: Adherence, Compliance, and Health


Smart Ways to Market Your Pharmacy's Flavoring Service During Back to School

Posted by Caitlin Taylor

Aug 31, 2022 11:26:47 AM

From flu shots to allergy medicine, plenty of your pharmacy’s products and services are seasonal, so much of your advertising is probably focused around the time of year these things are most needed. Flavoring is no exception! Kids heading back to school marks the beginning of an uptick in liquid prescriptions that continues to rise into winter and cough, cold, and flu season. As these prescription volumes rise, it's important to make sure your patients and community are aware that your pharmacy is ready to help kids take their liquid medicine. To help your pharmacy effectively get the word out to families about your flavoring service, we're sharing our favorite tips for FLAVORx success.

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Topics: Pharmacy Marketing


Giving Back at Gibbs Pharmacy

Posted by Caitlin Taylor

Aug 16, 2022 8:32:00 AM

In 1989, Jim Gibbs opened Gibbs Pharmacy in the town of Lebanon, Tennessee, hoping to bring personalized, friendly care to the community. By building an excellent team and installing state-of-the-art pharmacy automation technology, Gibbs was dedicated to running a business that helped patients take care of all aspects of their health. Thirty years later, the pharmacy team continues to find new ways to give patients the best possible care. To learn more about life at Gibbs Pharmacy, we spoke with CPhT and Specialty Operations Coordinator, Christian Bardon, who gave us some insight into how the pharmacy staff works together behind the counter and out in the community. 


Pharmacy owners Jim Gibbs and Andrew Byrd focus on building strong relationships with the community

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Topics: Pharmacy Leaders


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