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Ursula Chizhik, Pharm D

Ursula Chizhik, PharmD earned her Pharmacy Doctorate degree at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. She was a retail pharmacist for 11 years before making the switch to join the FLAVORx team 3 years ago. She is now the resident pharmacist and Director of Pharmacy Programs at FLAVORx. Having experienced being a pharmacist behind the counter, coupled with being a mom on the other side of the counter, she is able to tap into those experiences every day as she explores effective ways to reach out to and educate parents and providers. Ursula lives in Maryland with her husband and 2 sons. She welcomes you to contact her via email at uchizhik@flavorx.com.
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Pleasantly Flavored Veterinary Medication

Posted by Ursula Chizhik, Pharm D

Mar 27, 2013 10:21:00 AM

"A kindly gesture bestowed by us on an animal arouses prodigies of understanding and gratitude" - Sidonie Gabrielle


FLAVORx's Pharmacist's Ursula's dog, Bear


Did you know that there are more than 77 million owned dogs and 93 million owned cats in the United States? People love their pets! In fact, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA), many Americans think of pets as members of their extended family. An AP-Petside poll (June 2009) indicated that half (50%) of American pet owners consider their pets to be as much a part of the family as any person in the household. Pets provide owners with companionship without asking for anything in return. They are much like young children.



Luna, FLAVORx's Graphic Designer Kerry's puppy


Another recent AP-Petside poll (November 2011) found that roughly 80% of pet owners took their ‘pet-children’ to a vet in the past year, including 85% of dog owners and 79% of cat owners. Once they leave the veterinarian’s office, pet owners are often faced with yet another challenge- medication! Administering medication properly and ensuring that your pet gets what is prescribed, is very important for your pet’s health. Yet many animals refuse medication and they certainly do not ‘understand’ why they need to take medication in the first place. What they do know is that something unfamiliar and possibly disgusting is being force fed to them by someone they trust and love. This struggle often leads to stress and mistrust of the caregiver, which is difficult for both the pet and the owner. This frustrating scenario helps explain why the practice of pharmacy compounding is becoming a popular solution to such veterinary problems. Customizing medications in animal-friendly flavors results in easier administration to animals and avoids negative contact experiences for owners and their beloved pets.So as ‘pet-parents’ it is no wonder that when our pets get sick, we rush to the veterinarian, concerned about our pet’s health and hopeful for a quick recovery.


As a FLAVORx customer, you already know how valuable medication flavoring can be for kids and parents. With the FLAVORx Veterinary System, you can now provide the same quality service to pets and pet owners too. Getting pets to take medicine is no small feat. In fact, 72% of dog owners and 90% of cat owners say they struggle to medicate their pets. Pet owners will attempt to mix liquid medications with canned food or hide pills in peanut butter and cheese. Unfortunately these tricks don’t always work. By offering a great-tasting liquid alternative to tablets and capsules, you’ll make a big impact with your customers and open up a whole new revenue stream for your business.


As a pharmacist and a pet owner, I understand how people feel about their pets. For many of us, our pets really are like members of our family.


Marybeth's feisty fido, Dory


We want to be sure our pets are happy, healthy, and trust that we are not doing anything to harm them. For a pet that refuses to take medication because of the taste, compounding and custom flavoring is a wonderful solution. Cats typically don’t like pills, but they do like the taste of tuna. Dogs don’t appreciate a liquid medication being squirted into their mouth, but they won’t mind when it’s bacon-flavored. I believe that pleasantly flavored medications will not only ease medication administration, but positively affect the course of healing for our treasured pets. They’ll feel better faster and pet owners will be grateful. I am sure dogs and cats would thank us if they could.

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Topics: Pets and Pet Health


A Pharmacist's Career Day

Posted by Ursula Chizhik, Pharm D

Jan 22, 2013 9:58:00 AM

Just recently, I was a Career Day presenter at my son’s elementary school and it was a fantastic experience! I was there to teach the kids all about the wonderful world of pharmacy and highlight some of my specific responsibilities as a pharmacist at FLAVORx. The kids loved my presentation and eagerly absorbed the information.


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Topics: Press Releases


Expand Your Pharmacy Business with FLAVORx Veterinary

Posted by Ursula Chizhik, Pharm D

Nov 15, 2012 8:29:00 AM

The FLAVORx Veterinary System is a tool used by pharmacists and veterinarians to help animals take their medicine. This unique program allows providers to turn hard-to-swallow tablets and capsules into tasty flavored liquids that animals prefer. Flavoring is a safe and effective solution to making medication palatable for animals and it relieves anxiety for the pet owners who must administer medication to their pets. FLAVORx is a service that customers willingly pay for; as a matter of fact 60% of pet owners are willing to pay between 50-200% premiums for medications that are easy to administer (2009 AAHA Compliance Study).


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Topics: Pets and Pet Health


Pharmacists The Medicine Dispensing, Social Worker, Magician

Posted by Ursula Chizhik, Pharm D

Oct 12, 2012 8:26:00 AM

“We're asking pharmacists to not only dispense medication, but to be a social worker, computer geek and probably a magician.” ~Robert Hayes


That pretty much sums it up! Not only are our days filled with the constant assembly line of dispensing; we are expected to listen to peoples health problems, personal problems, financial problems, and all the while resolve insurance issues, computer glitches, printer jams, and magically do this error-free in under 15 minutes!!

We truly are magical!!

Sure the life of a pharmacist is often stressful, requiring long hours standing on our feet, working weekends and nights, and having to deal with some unpleasant customers. Not to mention the nature of our repetitive work can make our long days often seem monotonous and never-ending. But since its American Pharmacists Month, we should take a moment to take pride in our work and reflect on many of the positive things that have come out of our selected profession.


Let us not forget about the flexibility of our schedules, our great salaries, our clean working environments, and our job security. Let us remember that we are respected and trusted resources in the health care community that are always approachable and accessible to patients who would otherwise be afraid to ask their important questions. After all, we are educating patients every day and helping people live healthier lives, recover from illness, and manage their chronic diseases. That is definitely something to be proud of.


So the next time you are running around your pharmacy, short on technician help, on hold with an insurance company, troubleshooting with your computer, and have a line at your pharmacy counter that backs up to the center of the store, try to focus on the positive. Recall a gracious customer; remember a helpful tech; think about your next big bonus or your next day off!


If all else fails, wave your magic wand- stop time- take a breath- catch up- then get back to work with a smile on your face!

Finally, I thought it might be beneficial and encouraging for all of us to hear what some of our favorite “pharmacist/social worker/computer geek/magicians” have to say about their personal experiences in the world of pharmacy. Here are the encouraging stories, inspirational thoughts, and comments they have shared:


  • “In just a few words, what makes pharmacy, particularly community pharmacy, such a great career choice, is the people we come to know on a daily basis. They are like family to us when they walk through our doors! Our motto: "Committed to Caring for our Community" holds true not just with pharmacy, but every day life. We were recently affected by the Derecho Storm that devastated West Virginia and this team stepped up by passing out water and using our store as a cooling station for the community. We have used the FlavorRx to increase compliance in a very socioeconomically depressed area, by offering free flavoring for all pediatric patients, along with a follow up call to the parents to check on Compliance. I truly believe my team here at Best Care Pharmacy of Weston is fully committed to Excellence!” ~Matthew, Best Care Pharmacy


  • “Meeting a diverse group of people each and every day.” ~Steve, Walgreens


  • “Best thing is being surrounded by a network of strong people” ~Mike, Pfizer


  • “The best part about being a compounding pharmacist is helping patients who have special needs. We have patients who suffer from diseases for which there is not a lot of awareness, and we are able to address their needs. Even more satisfying is being able to help a patient with a medication recommendation for a particular condition, and then seeing him or her out in public months or years later only to find out that the medication worked well and they did not need to come back to us.” ~ Adam, Catasauqua Compounding Pharmacy


  • “Talking and communicating with people. Having a personality to talk to people…Being a people person.” ~Bob, Pharmacy at North Shore Health


  • “I love being able to get to know my customers on a personal basis and not them just being another face in the crowd. I like being able to relate or them being able to relate to me and know maybe I've been there too like with my migraines. I like all the aka things I've learned for my daughters sake for keeping us both out of the doctors office too.” ~Jim,South Oaks Pharmacy


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Topics: Adherence, Compliance, and Health


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