Three Ways Your Pharmacy Wins with FLAVORx

Written by Heidi Schmidt | Jan 24, 2018 1:17:00 PM

We're living in the age of customer experience, and leaders in the retail pharmacy world understand how important these interactions are to a successful pharmacy experience. A 2017 Forrester study reported that retailers who score high in customer experience metrics are exponentially better at generating revenue. 


While there are many factors that go into the overall pharmacy experience, one of the biggest is connecting with customers and showing them that you care. Here are three reasons FLAVORx is an important component of your customer experience program. 


1. FLAVORx is Fun 

There’s no denying that the pharmacy experience can sometimes be a bit dry. While helping people get better and improving their overall health is important, it doesn't have the sizzle of other retail experience such as purchasing a new big screen TV or a fancy pair of shoes. FLAVORx helps inject a bit of color into the otherwise drab world of pharmacy. With bright, colorful marketing materials that pop in the pharmacy setting, we add a bit of color - litterally and figuratively. The concept of flavoring medicine harkens back to the time when pharmacy was all about a personalized, one-on-one service which resonates tremendously with millennial parents who have grown to expect personalized experience in many facets of their lives. 


2. FLAVORx is a Differentiator

FLAVORx is available in a lot of pharmacies – over 46,000 to be exact. So the chances of your competitor across the street or down the road carrying it are pretty high. However, not many pharmacies are actively promoting the service. In fact, just 2 out of 100 medicines that could be custom flavored are. The issue is primarily awareness at the pharmacy counter. Once parents know that their child’s medicine can be tailored to his or her favorite flavor, they will say “yes” a lot of the time. Since the pharmacy across the street isn’t promoting the service, your store can use the program to differentiate from the competition. You can become known with parents in the community for offering a service that solves a problem of theirs. As a parent, I promise you that we ARE talking about how difficult medicine time is when our kiddos are sick.


3. The Right Solution at the Right Time

When a child is sick with an ear infection, strep throat or even – gulp – the flu, nothing matters more to the parent than getting their child better. Any parent can tell you that when their child is sick, stress just seems to pile on – missing work, cranky child(ren) – tantrums over medicine time are the last thing a parent wants to deal with. So, when you offer to personalize the taste of their medicine, you’re providing a solution and engaging with that parent at exactly the right time.

Parents win with FLAVORx because it leads to a better medicine time experience. Pharmacies win with FLAVORx because parents are happy which leads to higher customer experience scores and greater brand affinity.


For more ways to learn how FLAVORx can help you win the customer experience game and attract more customers, download our eBook here.