The Pharmacy Guide to Flavoring Medicine During a Pandemic

Written by Caitlin Taylor | Oct 8, 2020 1:19:07 PM

Pharmacy, like the rest of the world, has been turned upside down since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With all of the changes that have come about over the past few months and fewer kids getting normal illnesses that come with being together in school, maybe your flavoring program hasn’t been a priority. Now that we’re heading into cough, cold, and flu and season, it’s time to dust off those bottles of Bubblegum and Sweetening Enhancer and get back to helping kids take their medicine. 

1. Keep it Clean


Now that we’re months into the pandemic, everyone in the pharmacy is more than aware of what extra steps they need to take to keep staff and customers safe. When you’re flavoring medicine, make sure you’re also taking extra precautionary steps too. Be sure to keep your flavoring station clean and free of clutter. While flavoring, wear any required PPE and follow any pharmacy guidelines on sanitizing surfaces. If you have the Fillmaster Auto, this dispenser turns medication reconstitution and flavoring into a nearly zero-time process, so you can help customers reduce their time spent waiting in the


2. Adapt to Meet Your Customers' Needs

Patients might not be visiting the pharmacy the way they used to before the pandemic began. Maybe you’re seeing more customers using the drive-thru, or calling in for curbside pickup or delivery. Rearrange your FLAVORx materials to fit your current customer flow to maximize flavoring opportunities. Keep a tent sign or menu pad by the drive-thru window to remind staff to offer flavoring to parents picking up liquid prescriptions. Place more materials by the phone to help staff remember to mention flavoring to parents calling in for a liquid prescription. To request more printed marketing materials, contact us at info@flavorx.com. 


3. Get the Word Out Online

Speaking of adapting your business, these days, especially in the midst of the pandemic, it’s always a good idea to let customers know about the services you offer before they even set foot in the pharmacy. Businesses often use their social media pages to give customers real-time updates, whether it’s changes in hours, special sales or events, or a new product or service they’re excited about. That makes social media the ideal place to reach your customers when they might be spending less time than they normally would in the pharmacy. FLAVORx makes it easy to get the word out with the 2020 Digital Assets Marketing Pack


4. Flavor the Meds People Need 

We all know that FLAVORx is great for Amoxicillin, Clindamycin, and Tamiflu, but did you know that over-the-counter drugs can also be flavored? That means you can flavor the medicines you might be dispensing more of during the pandemic. While there is no medicine that has been proven to lessen symptoms of COVID-19, the CDC advises trying over-the-counter fever medicines like Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen. Researchers have also been studying the link between Vitamin D and COVID-19 survival rates. While the current research is not yet peer-reviewed, some people believe taking Vitamin D as a precaution could help. FLAVORx has flavoring recipes for all three of these useful medications in our Recipe Generator.


With all of the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, we don't know what to expect from this year's cough, cold, and flu season. At FLAVORx, we want to make sure you have everything you need to help kids take their medicine, no matter what comes your way. With some small changes and a little extra care, you'll be ready to help families stay healthy all flu season long.