5 Medications For Pets You Should Always Flavor

Written by Caitlin Taylor | Sep 29, 2020 1:32:58 PM

While most medicines for pets could be improved by adding a flavor, there are a few medicines that you should always offer to flavor, every time they’re dispensed. Whether the medicine has a particularly bad taste that makes it difficult to give to a pet, or the medicine is extremely important to the pet’s health, adding a tasty flavor ensures that the pet takes the entire dose. Here are five of our "must flavor" medicines for pets, and what you can do to make the medication process easier on both pets and their humans:


1.Gabapentin (Neurontin)

Although Gabapentin has only more recently been used to medicate pets, it is often prescribed to keep pets happy and healthy. Gabapentin can be used as a mild sedative, as part of a pain management regimen, and for nervous system issues like seizures and anxiety. Luckily, there is a commercially prepared Gabapentin liquid formulated specifically for animals that makes it easy to flavor. Veterinarians and pharmacies also have the option to compound the drug when in capsule form. Some of the best flavors for Gabapentin include Chicken Pot Pie, Bubblegum Treat, and Salmon Steak.

2. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

Like humans, pets can also take Benadryl to alleviate allergy symptoms. Allergies can make pets miserable, so it’s important that they take the medicine they need to relieve the itching and discomfort. Pharmacies and veterinary clinics can flavor Benadryl tablets or liquid solution. Dogs enjoy Red Angus Beef and Scrumptious Peanut Butter, while cats prefer Grilled Tuna and Fish Chowder.


3. Tylosin (Tylan)

Tylosin can be used to treat conditions in cats and dogs like intestinal inflammation, respiratory infections, and skin infections. While the medication can be very useful for relieving their discomfort,
it has a very bitter taste that can make it difficult to give to pets. Tylosin comes in a powder form, but compounding it into a flavored liquid can help mask the bitterness. Help dogs take Tylosin with Chicken Pot Pie and Crispy Bacon flavors. Grilled Tuna and Salmon Steak flavors can make it easier to give Tylosin to cats. 

4. Metronidazole (Flagyl)

Metronidazole is commonly prescribed to dogs and cats to treat and prevent bacterial and parasitic infections. Like Tylan, Metronidazole also has a notably bitter, metallic taste that is unpleasant for
pets. To improve the taste of Metronidazole and mask the medication's bitterness, use Crispy Bacon or Red Angus Beef.


5. Cephalexin (Keflex)

Cephalexin is a commonly prescribed drug used to treat a range of bacterial infections including those in the skin, bone, respiratory tract, urinary tract, and ear. If left untreated, these infections can cause long-term problems for pets, so it’s important that they get the medicine they need to fight off the bacteria. Chicken Pot Pie and Crispy Bacon flavors will help make Cephalexin more palatable for pets.


When pets need medicine, an incomplete medicine regimen can cause an illness to last longer than it should. Flavoring a medication is an easy but effective way to ensure they take their medicine as it should be taken. Learn more about the FLAVORx For Pets program here: