Hispanic, Millennial... HISPENNIAL?!

Written by Natasha Siedsma | Jun 18, 2015 3:00:00 PM

Yes, that’s right, Hispennials. Not a typo, but a new hybrid consumer that’s all the rage. Hispanic + Millennials = Hispennials. Clever, isn’t it? Well, beyond being a cute new buzzword just begging to be hashtagged all over the internet (#hispennials), it’s all the buzz with marketers. You see, marketers believe that Hispennials are quickly rising up as the most sought after customer segment in the United States. Everyone seems to want a bit of their attention, their loyalty, and of course, their dollars.

If you don’t see yourself carving out time in your hectic work week to scour the internet to gain comprehensive knowledge about Hispennials, you’re in luck, I've done some of the work for you. Below, in the simplest of bullet-point form, I have summarized the main points you’ll need to drop Hispennial knowledge in any conversation with your peers, or to hashtag your way to new likes, followers, and friends on the your social media sites.


Yes…you’re welcome.


  • Hispennials areUnited States Hispanics born between 1981 – 2000.
  • 65% of Hispanics in the United States are Millennials.
  • 21% of Millennials are Hispanic.

    To win with Millennials, you have to win Hispanics.

    Marketers love Hispennials because of their purchasing power over their lifetime, their overall size, and their cultural impact.

    Hispennials are anxiously seeking Spanish digital content. In fact, according to Google, 56% of Hispanics who are not online cite the lack of Spanish content as the primary reason.

    A strong network of Hispanic digital influencers has emerged on the social media scene. Hispennials know the whos-who of this crowd, and trust their opinions.

    Hispennials love shopping online, especially on their mobile phones.

o   Clothing: 52% Hispanic vs 38% Non-Hispanic

o   Electronics: 52% Hispanic vs 37% Non-Hispanic


Hispennials are the largest consumers of Hispanic food & beverages.


Regardless of your industry, chances are, your sales will be directly impacted by this mighty Hispennial customer segment. Luckily, many market researchers have gone before us to pave the way for attracting Hispanics and Millennials to help us grow our businesses. 






